Space-Ground LTE based Private Mobile Network Communication Solution

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 08-07-2020      Origin: Site

In the era of 4G Mobile Internet, many remote areas remain without mobile internet coverage. In many special occasions, it is urgent to use network communication to command and dispatch work.

Sunwave company has set up the integrated "vacant land" 4G high-quality private network communication for the enterprise.

Through the seamless transmission between the dedicated network base station and the satellite, the local operators can realize the fast and convenient "quadrilateral response" communication.

At the same time, the command hall can Exercise Strategic Control Over real-time communications. Of course, each private network has an independent routing mechanism, communication privacy is more secure and reliable.

The "AIR-TO-GROUND" LTE private network not only provides internal convenient communication, but also interconnects and interconnects with other communication platforms.

Wireless broadband access application


Solution Highlight 1:Quick Deployment 


Solution Highlight 2 : Flexible MESH Broadband Backhaul


Solution Highlight 3 :Space-ground, Rich Satellite Resources


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